for women, for music, for excellence

Newsletter Content

Alumnae Corner


Last semester, our previous Alumnae Relations Chair, Mackenna Gordon, worked very closely with one of our alumnae, Chris Butler, to start another wonderful opportunity: the Supersisters mentoring program. We wanted to reach out to anyone who didn’t get a chance to sign up last semester but still would like an opportunity to connect with and mentor some of our current chorus members and to ask anyone who participated last semester to fill out a feedback form. You can click here for the link to the sign up form, and here for the feedback form!

Alumna in the Spotlight:

julia kothman.JPG

Name: Julia Kothmann

Graduation Year: CLAS 2020

What has life been like after graduation? 

After graduating in 2020, I moved to Houston, Texas, to take a job as a paralegal providing legal assistance to unaccompanied immigrant children. Although I miss the East Coast, Houston is an exciting and diverse city and I'm enjoying getting to explore a new place! My coworkers are great people and the work itself is challenging yet rewarding. Outside of work, I'm keeping busy by singing in a community choir, taking care of my adopted 12-year old cat Bella, and working on my Master’s Degree in Economics!

What are your favorite VWC memories?

It's always so hard to pick favorites from my four years in VWC, but I think two stick out: the first is Candlelight Concerts -- the magic of singing in the Chapel or in St. Paul's with real candles, was so surreal and beautiful. Second is the movie nights and other events we had at the Chorus house -- feeling like I had a safe place on Grounds with people who cared about me was so important my first few years at UVA, and I was so excited to be able to provide that to our younger members when I was a third and fourth year.

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