for women, for music, for excellence

Newsletter Content

AR Letter

Hi everyone,

It’s great to be going into another year with you all! We’re excited to announce that we’ll be hosting more Alumnae Happy Hours for those who couldn’t attend the concert and hopefully bringing back our Supersisters program this semester. The first Alumnae Happy Hour will be during a Sunday afternoon on either February 27th or March 5th when we hope to be able to watch some of the highlights from our #6WAV concert. You can find more details about the programming and charity in other letters, but if you can’t make it out to the concert, the happy hour will be a great time to watch part of the concert, talk to some of the chorus members in lieu of a reception, and get to hang out with one another again! We’d love to see you either in person or online next weekend!

Thank you,

Iris Wu

VWC Web Manager