Auditions for the Spring 2025 semester have ended, but they’ll happen again in the fall!
Are you looking for a collaborative community of musically-minded people as well as a new group of friends? Well, you'd be glad to know that auditions for The Virginia Women's Chorus are coming next fall.
VWC is a talented, well-known ensemble that performs multiple concerts each semester, some examples being Rotunda Sing and their annual Candlelight Concerts. This year's Spring Concert will be celebrating the chorus's 50th anniversary, a testament to the group's rich traditions and close bonds. For auditions, it’s very chill! No prepared piece is required and sight-singing does not make or break an audition. Voice quality, intonation, and a good ear are important. We can’t wait to meet y’all!
The Chorus is the oldest music group for treble voices at UVA and sings a variety of classical, contemporary and diverse music from the challenging choral literature for women’s voices. As it has for 50 years, the Chorus fosters a deep sense of connectedness among our singers.
Rehearsals are Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00 – 9:15 PM.
Below are some FAQs about auditions and the Chorus.
Visit to sign up for an audition or email our vice president Brasley Zanaty at for more information. We hope to hear from you soon!
Should I audition?
If you enjoy singing a variety of genres of music (classical, a cappella, world, contemporary, jazz, folk), the answer is yes!
Would you like to be part of an awesome community of talented and diverse students? Then, yes.
The decision is yours to make, but if you would like some guidance, here are five signs that you should audition.
Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 9:15 PM in Old Cabell Hall. In addition, singers attend one or two rehearsal weekends each semester. There will also be additional dress rehearsals before each concert.
What if I have tests on a rehearsal night?
Don’t worry! You will be excused from rehearsals for academic tests.
What if I have a class overlap?
An overlap of 10-15 minutes MAY be excusable, depending on your skill level and commitment to Vdubz.
“If you like to sing, at all, you should audition for VWC.“ - Julia Kothmann, ‘20
“Auditioning for the VWC was the best decision I made first year. Our director and our sisterhood immediately make you feel at home and many of my closest friends I met in chorus!” - Kayleigh Harris, ‘21
“The Virginia Women’s Chorus was hands-down my favorite activity and what I was proudest of doing in college. I loved the people, I loved the music, and I loved the community. Singing as a group of women is inspiring and empowering, and singing with women I loved was so special. My deepest regret from college is only that I wish I had joined sooner!” - Dr. Janice Park, ‘15
Loved belonging to a tight, small group in a big school; hard work with rewarding results, and crazy fun trips. The only bummer was we had to make our own dresses. Yes you heard that right!” - Claudia Fletcher, ‘77
“Auditioning for the Virginia Women’s Chorus my first semester at UVA was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I was immediately welcomed into a group of talented, amazing and fun women. Singing with the choir all four years of undergrad, I built life-long friendships, made treasured memories and improved my musicianship under the direction of the incomparable KaeRenae Mitchell. VWC enriched my life at UVA, but continues to enrich my life to this day. Do it!!” - Chelsea Churchill, ‘11
What is the audition process?
It’s very easy, brief, and fun!
You will be greeted by one of our friendly Managing Board members along with other Chorus members in the lobby of Old Cabell Hall.
The audition consists of a voice quality and range check, singing scales a cappella, singing back pitches, and a few short sight-reading passages. Sight-reading is not a determining factor. Voice quality, intonation and a good ear are important. You do not need to prepare a piece, but you will be asked to sing a portion of a song that is familiar to you. Each audition takes around seven minutes.
Please arrive five minutes early to complete the front side of your audition form.
What kind of musical experience is required of incoming singers?
New singers are expected to have some choral experience. Members should either be able to read music of some complexity or work independently on a voice part, be able to learn text in other languages, memorize music for performances, and sing a voice part that currently has openings. If you have had private instrumental lessons within the past several years, that experience may carry over into a rewarding experience in the Chorus.
What else is expected of members?
In addition to singing at all scheduled performances, chorus members also contribute to the smooth functioning of the organization by volunteering for fundraising activities, publicity, stage setup, and gig participation.