for women, for music, for excellence

Newsletter Content

Fundraising Update

Hi everyone!

As always, we are eternally grateful for your support of the chorus, and we are super excited to be holding a virtual concert and releasing new music this semester! 

In past years, the Chorus has participated in Giving to Hoos Day, a day in which members of the greater UVA community—especially alumni and friends—are encouraged to support the University and its students. This year, the College of Arts and Sciences has rebranded Giving to Hoos Day as HooRahRaise! This day of giving will take place April 21st. We are excited to be independently fundraising alongside the College. Please consider making a tax-deductible gift to the chorus and support our music making!

Online Link (secure):

By Mail:

Alumni Association at the University of Virginia

P.O. Box 400314

Charlottesville, VA 22904

Attn: UVA Fund


Vdubz love,

Rachel Hoak

VWC Web Manager