for women, for music, for excellence

Newsletter Content

Alumni Relations Letter

Hi everyone,

Thank you so much for your support during our “Stille Nacht” and “How Can I Keep From Singing” videos! It was incredible to see the entire VWC community come together to create beautiful music. Although we can’t physically be together to share in the music and enjoy the warm weather, we hope that you’ll be able to attend our #5WAV concert and help us continue our tradition of presenting these WAV concerts. Everyone has been incredibly dedicated in spite of all of the Zoom fatigue, technological issues, and isolation, but now that gathering limits have been raised at UVA and many of us have been getting vaccinated, we would appreciate it if you could join us to celebrate the dawn of a “Brand New Day!”

We’ll be hosting our “Brand New Day” #5WAV concert over YouTube premiere on April 17th at 7 PM EST, so stay tuned for details from our wonderful Concert Manager, Mackenna Gordon! This year, we’re hoping to donate the proceeds of our concert to the Women’s Initiative, a local Charlottesville organization dedicated to providing women with the social support they need to succeed. 

Thank you all for reading!

VWC Web Manager