for women, for music, for excellence

Newsletter Content

Director's Letter

Greetings, alums and friends! 

I hope this finds you well and managing these challenging times. I am beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel! 

The Managing Board (MB) and I have been working hard over December and January planning for the new semester. Shout out to our amazing new MB members who have not only kept the faith during this pandemic, but have worked enthusiastically to maintain the vibrant community of the Chorus. Please meet our new board in our President’s letter.

I hope everyone who wanted to participate in the collaborative singing project has been reached and has let us know of their interest in participating since emails are only going to registered participants so we don’t clog your inbox. We’ve already had one rehearsal and one technology session, which are recorded and in the Google folder in case you missed it. Please let me know now if you would like to join us (uva dot vwc at gmail). This is a massive project but promises to be a lot of fun when we can view alums and chorus singing together How Can I Keep from Singing during our #5thWAV benefit concert on April 17, 2021! The deadline for signing up is February 15 and the date for uploaded videos is March 7. We need music and singing now more than ever!

Auditions have not yet begun since classes and Rush began late, but I have planned a full schedule for the students. In fact, the Section Leaders have already had one rehearsal to create a guide track for our collaborative song. Additionally, our returning members will have had two rehearsals before we finish auditions, so we’re hitting the ground running. We are hoping to complete our “Pandemic” CD this semester with nine selections. We will continue to meet through Zoom and in-person (weather permitting) and are hoping UVA will ease on it’s current restriction of 6 people gathering by March.

Our YouTube channel is going quite well, and we have had folks from around the world (Serbia, Republic of Georgia, England, etc.) comment on our Shen Khar Venaki  video (12k views) made in the dome room at Monticello. Check it out and also subscribe to our channel – it’s easy if you have a google account!

None of this could happen without your generous support. We are grateful for all donations that keep this great community of talented singers moving forward!

Vdubz love to you,


VWC Web Manager