for women, for music, for excellence

Newsletter Content

Fundraising Updates

Hello everyone!

Thank you so much for all of your support during our annual fund drive! We are very excited to share in return all the things we are planning to do. Remember to either make your tax-deductible donation online at this secure link, or to send your check back to us in the mail with the pledge card that we mail to you!

With an exciting return to in-person concerts, we have begun sales for program ads and poinsettias for our Candlelight Concerts.

Candlelight Concerts this year will take place on Friday, December 3rd at 8pm and Saturday, December 4th at 3:30pm in the UVA Chapel. Ad and poinsettia sales are a crucial means of fundraising for the chorus, and help us to pay our wonderful director KaeRenae, purchase sheet music, and rent concert venues, among many other expenses. Ads are also a great opportunity to advertise a business, service, or shout out your favorite singer.

The prices for ads this year will be as follows:

- Full page (5” x 8”): $100

- Half page (5” x 4”): $50

- Quarter page (2 ½” x 4”): $25

If you would like to purchase an ad and help the chorus, you can email either your formatted design or just your message (which we can format) to We accept cash and check payments, or you can Venmo the Chorus at @VWChorus. Checks can be made payable to the Virginia Women’s Chorus and sent to:

Virginia Women’s Chorus

P.O. Box 400426

Newcomb Hall

Charlottesville, VA 22904

In addition, we will be selling beautiful poinsettia plants to decorate the UVA chapel for our Candlelight Concerts. After the concerts, you will be able to take your purchased poinsettia home with you! If you would like to support the chorus by purchasing a plant for $20, you can email to order one, and you will be recognized in our concert program. Please also let us know which concert you will be attending!

The last day of ad and poinsettia sales will be November 12th!

Thank you so much again for your support, and we can’t wait to see you at our concerts!

Rachel Hoak

VWC Web Manager