for women, for music, for excellence

Newsletter Content

Letter from the Conductor: KaeRenae Mitchell

Through wind and snow and power outages, VWC persevered


It is with a heart bursting with love for the Chorus, and with gratitude for the opportunity to be with all of you amazing, talented, lovely women that I write this. I cannot begin to express my appreciation for the wonderful scrapbook you gifted me that brought back strains of beautiful music-making, the joys of community, and the impact you have had on my life. You hold a special place in my heart and I am grateful for every experience with you - through thick and thin. The memories you have given me and the lessons I have learned are filled with love, laughter, tears, and the magic of your music. I am thankful for 20 years of being with the Chorus and cannot wait to see what the future holds. See more under the Alumnae Corner about the Connections-Sing along and hear us sight-read i thank you God.

Mother Nature did not cooperate with our Spring Tour, but that did not dampen the spirits of the members. Though two concerts were canceled, the day with Haverford, which included a sight-singing session, rehearsals, and a lovely concert was the musical highlight. Dan Spratlan and his Haverford/Bryn Mawr Chamber Singers were generous and friendly hosts and we enjoyed singing with and for them. We are definitely excited to collaborate with more collegiate ensembles in the near future! The ladies also enjoyed the Connections Sing-along and enjoyed meeting the friendly community of the VWC. It helps to realize and appreciate that we stand on the shoulders of the Vdubz sisters who have gone before us. As anyone who has gone on tour, it is the bonding that occurs that is special. The sightseeing in Philly and NYC were fun as well. Special thanks to Shivani Nathan and Julia Heinzel for planning a wonderful adventure!

All best wishes to each of you with hopes that music continues to enhance your life.


Vdubz love,


VWC Web Manager