for women, for music, for excellence

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Alumnae Corner


Name: Clare Anderson

Graduation year 2007

Major Foreign Affairs

Where has life taken you after UVa? I moved back home to northern Virginia and started working. After a few years, I went back to school for a part-time MBA from George Mason University. I've also been singing with the Fairfax Choral Society, an SATB chorus in Fairfax, for around 8 years! I got married a year ago and live in Springfield with my husband, our dog, and our cat. I work for the Department of the Navy in Washington DC.

What is your favorite VWC memory? Probably our tour of Italy and France in 2005, it was an incredible experience - so much fun to explore Europe and sing in different places.

Why are you serving on the AIG? I like making friends with VWC alums from different years, and getting together with each other! I've met new people and connected with alums who I otherwise would have lost touch with.

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