Alumnae Corner
Name: Susan (Durbin) Conniff
Graduation Year: 1988
Major: Commerce/Accounting
Where has life taken you after UVa?
Public accounting at Coopers & Lybrand in Boston
Graduate school (MBA) at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management
Investment banking at JP Morgan in New York, NY
Business manager for private school in New York City
Married 17 years, currently have 2 daughters ages 16 and 13. Live in Westchester County, NY.
Have sung in a number of choirs over the years and my older daughter is now very involved in musical theater. I feel so fortunate to be so close to NYC and all it has to offer musically.
What is your favorite VWC memory?
Learning Carmina Burana with KaeRenae dancing around in a straw hat for inspiration!
Why are you serving on the AIG?
Because KaeRenae asked, I’d do anything for her, and I love the UVA Women’s Chorus!