for women, for music, for excellence

Newsletter Content

Letter from the President: Sarah Thomas

sarah fall18.jpg

Dear Alumnae and Friends of the Chorus,

As sad as I am to see summer come to a close, I am so excited to jump into the semester.  As I enter my fourth year, I wonder where the time went; it feels like I just arrived on grounds as a first year. I am so delighted to serve as President of the Virginia Women’s Chorus for one more semester! This group of amazing ladies has been such a blessing and a second family to me for these last 3 years. I cannot wait for this upcoming year of singing with my fellow Vdubz!

Through all the humidity and heat our members have been very busy with the beginning of classes and spreading the word about the wonder that is the Virginia Women’s Chorus for auditions. I think I can speak for everyone when I say we are all so excited to welcome our new girls and start rehearsals.

Looking ahead, we have a jammed packed semester with three concerts and a variety of other performances, social events, and  fundraisers. One big event we are already gearing up for is our Annual Fund Drive. Donations from this fundraiser allow the Chorus to pay for its regular operating costs and fund exciting projects like our next Spring Concert where we will be performing a piece the Chorus commissioned from composer Ola Gjeilo. We are holding the fundraiser on Thursday, October 18th and Saturday, October 20th. Please be aware that if you receive a phone call from a number you do not recognize during this time, it might be a call from a current Virginia Women’s Chorus member. We would love to chat about your experiences at UVa and in the Virginia Women’s Chorus! I know personally it has always a pleasure to meet our alumnae and to hear stories of their time spent in the Chorus.

Keep an eye out for other fundraising opportunities throughout the semester like ad sales in our program and poinsettia sales!

The Chorus would also like to express our deep gratitude for the gift(donation?) we received from an anonymous trust in recognition of the Virginia Women Chorus’s contributions to the University’s community.  The Chorus greatly appreciates the generous support!

Thank you so much to all of you who continue support us through donations, communication, and attendance at our concerts. You all make it possible for this group to continue to thrive and grow. I look forward to another great semester and hope to see you all at our upcoming concerts!


Warmest Regards,

Sarah Thomas

President, Virginia Women’s Chorus

VWC Web Manager