Annual Fund Drive
Hello Alumnae and Friends of the Virginia Women’s Chorus,
We are writing to let you know that the Virginia Women’s Chorus, now in its 43rd season, will be conducting its Annual Fund Drive on Thursday, Oct. 18 and Sunday Oct. 21st!
We appreciate and depend on your donations to keep VWC the superb organization that it is!
This year, there are two ways you can give to the Chorus:
Mark your calendars and look out for a phone call from one of our lovely members. You will have the option to be mailed a pledge card or to give over the phone by credit card.
Donate online through this secure link.
Phone calls will be made on Thursday Oct. 18 from 6-9pm and on Sunday Oct 21from 1-7pm. Because Chorus members will be using cellphones to make calls, be aware that they may come up as “unknown” on your caller-ID!
The Virginia Women’s Chorus is a non-profit CIO and has received no funding from the Department of Music since 1989 when the department ended its funding of single-sex ensembles. Your generous donation allows the chorus to continue fulfilling its mission to bring music and sisterhood into the lives of its members.
Your contribution will help to fund these exciting events and projects:
Our third annual Women Against Violence charity concert, this year entitled, “Let There Be Peace”. The concert will take place on October 14th. All proceeds will go to the International Rescue Committee (IRC) that helps refugees, asylees, victims of human trafficking, survivors of torture, and other immigrants to thrive in America.
Our 2018 Candlelight Concerts. On November 30th and December 1st, the chorus will bring light and joy to the season, featuring Holst’s Choral Hymns from the Rig Veda accompanied by professional harpist, Anastasia Jellison.
A commissioned piece by renowned composer Ola Gjeilo, who is known for his stunning arrangements for women’s voices. The chorus will debut this piece in the Spring of 2019 to celebrate the Bicentennial of the University.
In addition to the happenings listed above, your support is crucial to covering the basic operational costs of the chorus such as paying our director and purchasing sheet music. In short, the Virginia Women’s Chorus would not be possible without you!
We thank you in advance for your generous support.
With gratitude,
The Virginia Women’s Chorus
Emily Fox, VWC Fundraising Chair