for women, for music, for excellence

Newsletter Content

Letter from the President: Sarah Thomas

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Hello Alumnae and Friends of the Chorus,

This has been a such an exciting semester for the Virginia Women’s Chorus. At the end of September, we held our third annual Women Against Violence benefit concert. This marked the debut of our new girls who have all been so impressive this semester. We were so lucky to have multiple performers and groups join us from the University and Charlottesville community to perform at this event. This year’s concert was entitled Imagine, drawing inspiration from the hopeful message in the well-known John Lennon song. The chorus was even able to perform a beautiful version of the song arranged by our talented director, KaeRenae. Proceeds from the concert went to the International Rescue Committee in  Charlottesville, an organization that provides support to refugees, asylees, survivors of human trafficking and torture, and other immigrants in America. The concert had a great turn out and we are so thankful to all the groups who performed and the audience members who came out to this year’s concert.

Last weekend the Chorus participated in the annual Family Weekend Concert with the Virginia Glee Club, University Singers, and Chamber Singers. The chorus performed three pieces from our fall repertoire. The concert concluded with all the groups performing a combined piece, The Road Home by Stephen Paulus, and the UVA songs, Ten Thousand Voices and the Good Old Song. It is always such an fun and incredible opportunity to sing with so many talented and different voices on one stage.The concert also provides a great opportunity to hear our fellow UVA choral groups perform. This annual event is a well-loved tradition that the chorus looks forward to every year.

It was so nice to hear from alumnae, family and friends of the chorus during our recent Annual Fund Drive. I would like to express the chorus’s deep gratitude for the donations and support we have received. It is thanks to your generosity that the chorus is able to continue to thrive and share our music. We hope to see you all at our last concert of the semester, our annual Candlelight Concerts. This year they will be held at a new location, St. Paul’s Memorial Church, on November 30th and December 1st. Thank you again, and hope you all have a lovely winter season.

Warmest regards,

Sarah Thomas

President, Virginia Women’s Chorus

VWC Web Manager